Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Freedom of speech and nuclear power

Today well before I posted this post I was told I should be 'careful what I say' about China 'especially on the internet'. By an English person concerned that the Chinese government might not like it and I might get in trouble. But I demand my right to freedom of speech. If the Chinese government is encouraging wrongfully imprisoned prisoners to be cut up while they are still alive and without adequate doses of anaesthetic because the transplant industry is worth a lot of money and if they are then using the dead bodies for other purposes then I have a right to tell you and no one will shut me up.

Tony Blair has made another big mistake saying that "These facts put the replacement of nuclear power stations, a big push on Renewables and a step change on energy efficiency, engaging both business and consumers, back on the agenda with a vengeance."
Nuclear power stations - chuck them off the agenda - throw the plans at the sun, bury them in a subduction zone or in watertight caves deep underground but do not ever put them on the agenda.
Then do the other stuff he said that were actually sensible 'a big push for Renewables and a step change on energy efficiency,' these can still win the day we can still win the war on global warming by using renewable energy and energy efficiency - fission power will never be the answer the pollution from fission power is still poisonous millions of years later, and uranium is already running out.
The longer it takes to take action to prevent Global warming from going out of control the harder it will be.
Give everyone a carbon quota have a domestic carbon trading scheme and just watch the changes in people's lives - and it will redistribute wealth at the same time as poor people produce less carbon dioxide than rich people who fly to the USA each year. (1 long-haul flight produces as much CO2 as everything else a person does put together). Solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, biomass and efficiency - these and others will yet win the day with a little bit of determination.


Anonymous said...

Max, you are such a hypocrite. On one side, you manage to condemn communism and free speech on the internet, but on the other side of the coin, you and me both know that your own blog is heavily censored, and if anything that you do not agree with is posted, you simply dispose of it and pretend it has never happened.

Max Randor said...

I originaly inteneded to have no censoring at all I tried that and you know what happened I got loads of comments but they were full of swearing and their only purpose was to be insulting and rude and made no contribution whatsoever to anything which involved concious thought - I will allow comments that I do not agree with as long as they are not amazingly rude - I read all the comments even the ones that from the first line obviously exist only to insult me. I just wish that the people who posted them had enought coommen sense to realise that being incredilby rude achieves nothing.
I will allow comments to be posted if they are written by someone with something to contrubute but not if they have nothing to contribute but rudeness.
I published your commment didn't I? and I don't agree with you.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with Max more. His blog is always fair and reasonable, however i would like to see posts left up for longer as there are so many new posts every week that they are not left up long enough for people to comment on them.

Max Randor said...

why thank you - but there are twelve posts on the page and I post slightly less frequently than once per day and so all you need to do is read down - there are about two weeks worth of posts on the front page - and then there are archives of all the posts I have made. I really appricate comments and read them all and if someone makes a really good comment I might do a whole post on it. Thank you for commenting and for you compliments.