Friday, April 14, 2006

This is my culture

That I would know salvation and tell others of it when so many are lost
That I would teach of peace when others scream of war
That I would share when others would keep
That I would speak of love when others speak of hate
That I would know God when so many deny him
That I would turn the other cheek when others would strike back
That I would be a steward when others destroy
That I would buy a green machine while others drive SUVs
This is what I would be
This is my counter culture – my own – my religion – my reason – my life
Now live with it and I will live with you.In peace and harmony


Anonymous said...

SUVs rule! Check outthe Hummer H2, coming to a town near you, VERY soon :D

Max Randor said...

SUV stands for Super Ugly Viehicle - they are super fule guzzeling very bad for the envirnoment - they are only needed if you live in remote parts of scotland (and similar places) where you would otherwise be snowed in in the winter. anywhere else they are just so that realy fat people can get behind the wheel :-) and to compensate for muscles people don't have - and because people have deficiencies.

Anonymous said...

Is it true your mum has an SUV? ...

Max Randor said...

but we are thinking of getting a super green hybrid car
sorry I try to take hypocrisy seriously

Anonymous said...

:S reread/write your last post - do not understand it

Max Randor said...

No we don't have an SUV
We are thinking of getting a hybrid car (a realy environmentaly friendly car)
I should not by my principles say SUVs are bad If I have one.