Thursday, April 20, 2006

My blog - generally

If anyone has anything that they want to say about this blog generally or anything they suggest I blog about or look at comment on here.
This could help me to improve my blog and so improve the quality of what you read here - really its in your own interests :-)


Anonymous said...

I think you need to add some pictures firstly and have a greater repertoire.

Anonymous said...

you also need to get rid of the old posts, and just display all the posts from that day, or a certain time limit.

Max Randor said...

There is a time limit on posts - every month they will be archived - however one month has not passed yet.
Yes I should use more pictures - I write about what I find interesting and which I am thinking about at the time - suggest something I should add to my repertoire and if I am interested I might write about it.

Anonymous said...

max randor is the greatest!

Max Randor said...

I don't think so, but thank you.